- Yoji Tomita
- 冨田 燿志(とみた ようじ)in Japanese.
- Research Scientist, AI Lab, CyberAgent, Inc. 2020-present.
Research Interests
- Matching Theory, Market Design, (Algorithmic) Game Theory, Reciprocal Recommender Systems.
- B.A. in Economics, University of Tokyo. 2013-2018.
- Advisor: Hitoshi Matsushima, Akihiko Matsui
- M.A. in Economics, University of Tokyo. 2018-2019.
- Advisor: Daisuke Oyama
- Ph.D. student in Economics, University of Tokyo. 2019-2020 (Incomplete).
Papers (peer-reviewed)
- Yoji Tomita, Riku Togashi, and Daisuke Moriwaki. 2022. Matching Theory-based Recommender Systems in Online Dating. Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'22). Industrial Track.
- Zhaohong Sun, Yoshihiro Takenami, Daisuke Moriwaki, Yoji Tomita, and Makoto Yokoo. 2023. Daycare Matching in Japan: Transfers and Siblings. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23).
- Yoji Tomita, Riku Togashi, Yuriko Hashizume, and Naoto Ohsaka. 2023. Fast and Examination-agnostic Reciprocal Recommendation in Matching Markets. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'23).
- Yoji Tomita and Tomohiko Yokoyama. 2024. Fair Reciprocal Recommendation in Matching Markets. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'24).
- shortlisted for 6 best full paper candidates in RecSys'24
- Email tomita_yoji[at]cyberagent.co.jp
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